" Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling/ burdensome stone for all people around about, when they see the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem". Zachariah 12:2
DIFFICULTY IN FARSIGHTEDNESS IS CALLED MYOPIA, this is the inability to SEE objects faraway; Spiritual eyesight comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. He gives us " spiritual eyes to see prophetically far away" and near; these are signs post to help us along our life journey, to warn, to direct , and to guild us in the truths of God. THE COMING HEBREW YEAR , which begins on October 2-4, 2024, will transition us into the Hebrew YEAR 2025; WHICH MEANS- ALLOWING US TO "SEE" "TO BEHOLD" CONTINUAL judgments, doors of shakings in the churches, in nations, in authorities, in governmental leadership, and IN ALL THE EARTH. Those who are out of line with God's purpose, will, and word, the church house and the white house, GOD IS WARNING US ALL TO BEHOLD, LOOK, TAKE NOTICE! REPENT, THERE'S A TRANSITION INTO GREATER CONFLICTS/WARS IN THE SPIRITUAL RELM THAT WILL PLAYOUT IN THE NATURAL RELM/ON EARTH (REV 12-13/17) It is appointed, purposed, and spoken by God-and it shall come to pass. My prayer is , God give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand in this season.
THIS YEAR THE REMNANT OF GOD/ CHURCH SHALL BE PERSECUTED/ ISRAEL FALSE PEACE AGREEMENT BEGINS TO TAKE SHAPE: In Dan 9:23-27 it says the anti christ will make an seven year peace covenant with Israel and many (nations) in pursuit of prosperity, unity, and false ending to wars. This will be a lie, a deception from the man of sin, the lawless ones, the beast (Rev 13/17) that rise to rule the world. Yes, we are entering through the door to the tribulation. ALL THE SIGNS ARE HERE! Only God know the implementation time, the moment it "kicks off", but Jesus reminded us in Matt 24, " when you see the signs " know I am at the door.
TODAY, ISRAEL IS AT WAR with all her surrounding neighbors; It won't get any better, but eventually there must be some type of peace deal to come froth. THE ABRAHAM ACCORDS is believed to be a possibility? If this deal is done for seven years, then everything many have been waiting and warning about, have just begin; You won't need anything for your journey-the rapture will happen at the appointed time -then we will be forever with our Lord and savior Jesus for all eternity. Praise the Lord!
As mentioned above, this new year, 5785-is The Year to Behold, to look, to witness a great move of God, and it did happen. Record numbers of people turned out for this election. This shift in the voting landscape and demographics , an unexplained swing in popularity vote, and an election of an individual who was convicted of a crime, 31 pending charges, multiple impeachment attempts, multiple attempts on his life, and yet, he still came out victorious. Don't tell me God does not have a plan; Yes, He has an eternal plan, and whether we like it or not, God's will shall be done. But what does this say " prophetically?" Well, from my understanding of the bible, the coming middle east war will come to pass due to the scriptures of Ezekiel 38-39/ Rev 12-13/Zachariah 12/ Psalm 83. The shaking in the world will be that of WWW 3, but America defense of Israel, it looks like -when they attack Israel, they will also attack us. We have been lock-step with Israel, which is a blessing; But the Bible clearly states, Israel surrounding enemies will conspire to destroy her, and with her-us. Gog of magog ( Russia/Turkey) Russia /IRAN, IRAQ, SYRIA, ISLAMIC nations/proxies, and their coalition shall eventually come down against Israel to destroy her, but GOD will ultimately defend and deliver her from all her enemies. THIS WILL COME TO PASS, WHETHER IT'S IN A FEW MONTHS OR A FEW YEARS, GOD WILL KEEP HIS WORD.
IN DANIEL 2: 21, SAYS, " And he(GOD) changes the times and seasons: He removes kings and sets up kings: He gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding". Daniel received the revelation from GOD in a dream, it is God that reveals, it is God that provide understanding, and it is GOD's will and purpose that comes to pass. THIS IS THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP; Yes, many voted but GOD made the final decision. President -elect Trump has the riches man alive as his WING MAN-ELON MUSK. His desire to " solve the middle east wars/crisis" by coming to "an peace agreement" with Saudi Arabia, Palestinians, Arabs, Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Syria , etc. and Israel will be precursors to Daniel 9:23-27 covenant of false peace with the anti-Christ. THE SIGNS ARE ALL AROUND US, WE MUST PRAY THAT GOD GIVE US EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, AND HEARTS TO UNDERSTAND THE PROPHECT MOVES OF GOD, and be ready for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND AND PRAYER- America is the worlds super power, with over 170 military bases around the world, the riches, most powerful with greatest influences; With an individual as president that " idolizes" power, dictatorship, hard nose, direct, and views himself as a king and savior/protector of ISREAL. This is a recipe for disaster!
THE WARS OF THE KINGS/KINGDOMS will playout. The spirit of deception, confusing, conflict, and apostasy is sweeping America and the earth. THE SPIRIT OF BABYLON IS REACHING ITS FULL EMERGENCE OF WICKEDNESS. In Rev 18:1-24, speaks of "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habituation of devils, and the hold of every fouls spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird". Don't think of this as " actual birds and animals" but as figurative, symbolic, and spiritual dealing with the hearts, sins, conduct, and state of our society, people, leadership, nations, America, and those influenced by the spirit of the anti-Christ. The word "foul" means unclean, unholy, opposite of God, and an enemy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Word, His Church, and His Truth. GOD SAID, JUDEMENT IS COMING, AND HE'S GOING TO PLUCK THE WINGS OF BABYLON- AMERICA. IT'S BEEN DELAYED, PROLONGED, BUT IT IS COMING!
REV 18: 3-8, "For all nations have drunk of her wine of the wrath of her fornication,
( apostasy/abominations/ sins) MANY WILL BE DECEIVED AND BELIEVE THE LIES OF THE DEVIL, and the kings of the earth will have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies". This spirit of Babylon will touch every nation, people, and language. When the beast ( the anti-Christ) comes forth, he will over take Babylon, and set himself up to be "god" and demand to be worship as GOD. BUT ELOHIM, the true living GOD shall judge Babylon by fire/destruction, and GOD shall judge the anti-Christ and satan, and defeat them and cast them into hell/lake of fire.
Rev 16: 13-14
Yes, Judgement is coming, it's been delayed, but it's coming! " In the last years, months, weeks, and days, we have seen the pestilence of the coronavirus, Monkey Pox, WARS, earthquakes, storms, FIRES, droughts, tornadoes, floods, famine, food shortage, killer bees, civil racial wars, unjust killings, changes in leadership in the United states, the death of the Queen of England and rise of a new king, and five Prime Minister elections in Israel, AND RECENTLY THE RISE OF DONALD TRUMP. These are ALL continual developments and foreshadowing of God's words coming to pass. THE END IS COMING SOONER THAN WE THINK. A SHAKING IS IN THE EARTH-GOD IS TURNING EVERYTHING UPSIDE DOWN- From the white house, to the church house, globally, internationally, geopolitically, and financially-every aspect of our lives shall be impacted.
What we are seeing in the earth is the spirit of the anti-christ, spirit of hypocrisy, spirit of deception. In Rev 16: 13-14 it says, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (satan), and out of the mouth of the beast (anti-christ), and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils working miracles/deceptions/lies, that goes forth unto the kings of the earth". The devil is the father of all lies and deception, he never tells the truth. His sole purpose to deceive, kill, and destroy all who worship and believe in God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Deception is in the earth today, the world is calling good evil and evil good; The deception of sexual perversion, LGBTQ movement influence is tearing down God's mandate for family and marriage.
Many will fall to the "strong delusion" that is coming, God will preserve His saints, but in the coming tribulation, so many will fall away due to the great lies of the devil.
On May 4, 2023 at 6:30am in the morning, I dreamt people was walking in a great church
like, CATHEDRAL like place of worship. It was beautiful, it had statues of angels, and things that was supposed to represent god-figures. Many people was walking inside of it, visiting with their families, mothers, children, all walking inside, looking up at these great statues, admiring, worshipping, these things. In the midst of the dream, God asked me , with a loud, powerful, authoritative voice" WHAT IS THIS?, IS THIS ME? Then He repeated the question, What is this? Is this me? I answered in great fear and in trembling. I said no Lord, it's nothing, it means nothing, it's a representation of you, it means nothing. I was horrified, terrified because of the sound and power of His voice. I had never heard His voice in this way, with anger, with power. I was on my knees, face in my hands, I was shaking, I didn't look up out of fear . Then God said to me, "I WILL GIVE YOUR WORDS/VOICE BACK TO YOU, BUT YOU MUST TELL THEM WHAT LIES WILL DO TO THEM(YOU)". I was glad for the opportunity to share God's word of warning, but I was also disappointed/fearful to tell people of the consequences of lies; the lies of worshipping idols, in church, in our personal lives, statues and worship of angels, of people, of anything we place in front of God. Lies of deception is in the church, in leadership, and in us.! GOD IS NOT THE FATHER OF LIES, SATAN IS , he WAS/IS A LIAR FROM THE BEGINNING!
The consequences of lies, deceptions, the worship of images, whether it's angels, people, building, churches, gold, silver, money, wood, the things made with our hands and abilities; Anything we put before or /and in place of the ONE AND TRUE LIVING GOD, YAHWEH, ELOHIM, I AM THAT I AM; GOD WILL DESTROY AND CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR ALL ETERNITY! IN ISAIAH 42:8, IT SAYS, "I AM YAHWEH; THAT IS MY NAME. I WILL NOT GIVE MY GLORY TO ANY ONE ELSE OR THE PRAISE I DESERVE TO IDOLS". It say in Rev 21:8 says, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: Which is the second death".
THE PROPHETIC WORD TODAY IS- REPENT, TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS-BECAUSE JUDGEMENT IS COMING! The bible says, the wages of sin is still death, but the gift of God (His Son Jesus Christ) is eternal life. Truth is found in the Word of God, Jesus is the Word of God. In John 1;1 it say, "In the beginning was the Word, and the WORD was with God, And the WORD was God. And we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten Son of God- Jesus Christ. And the same was in the BEGINNING with God, all things was made by Him (Jesus Christ), and without Him was not anything made that was made" (John 1:1-4/ Romans 6:23). See, end- time prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ and His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the throne of God; to bring everlasting righteousness to the earth/mankind, and to reign and rule as KING of kings, and LORD of lords-forever. GOD HAS CALLED US TO SOUND THE ALARM-JESUS IS COMING SOON!
SAINTS, BEHOLD, the alignment in the prophetic signs are pointing towards Daniels 70th week, 7 YEARS of tribulation, called Jacob's trouble (Dan 7:15--27/ 9:23-27/Rev 3:10/Rev 12-13) the changing of the season, a time of trials and testing, but God will protect and preserve His children/saints who are saved and born again, the blood of Jesus covering them. WE HAVE SEEN GREAT CALMAITY IN THE EARTH, BUT GREATER IS COMING!
"And he (anti-christ) shall make a strong covenant with many for one week (7yrs), and for half of the week he shall put an end of sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abomination shall come one who makes desolate, until decreed end is poured out on desolate (anti-Christ)"Dan 9:27. Bible teaches a week is considered 7 years, this one will is the final piece to the puzzle in the 70 week prophecy in Daniel. This last week of great pain and suffering on earth will be focused on the nation of Israel. It will impact the world, but God will focus His wrath on Israel for their abominations, Idol worship, and their failure to believe and accept the true messiah Jesus Christ. God will save a remnant of His people, Israel the nation will be saved, for Jesus must reign and rule on earth and in Jerusalem for a thousand years. Yes, we have so much to come in prophecy.. My friends, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior; You do not want to be left behind in this season.
MANY IN THE CHURCH WILL FALL AWAY TO DECEPTION, SIN, APOSTASY, FLESH FEEDING SERVICES AND MOTIVES. The great falling away described in 2 Timothy 3:1-17/ 2 Timothy 4:3-4, says, " in the coming perilous times men will do every sin under the sun, giving in to seducing spirts, turn from truth to fables and doctrines of devils"
The birth of the" Red Heifers" is one of the most significant and prerequisite of building the coming 3rd temple in Jerusalem. The bible clearly teaches that a new temple, the 3rd temple, will be built at some point in the coming tribulation period. The enemy/satan will hate those who love God, and do everything in his power to destroy them.
These prophecies are WARNING SIGNS that the second coming of Jesus Christ is approaching. The first temple was built -called Solomon's temple -was destroyed in 586 BC. The second temple (516-70ad) came after the Jews return from Babylon captivity. This temple was destroy around 70ad-all sacrifices and temple rituals stop because the church age begun and Christ fulfilled all requirements of the promised Messiah, scriptures, our atonement for sin, cleansing, and securing salvation to those who repent and believes in Him.
( Hebrews 8-10 chapters). Hebrews 9:11-15.
Scriptures clearly tells us, there's coming a day where /when a temple will be built and in this temple the anti-Christ/satan will set up an abomination (statue of himself) to mandate all to worship him, ( Rev 13) and those who do not will be persecuted, killed, and imprisoned. BEFORE THIS temple can be built; As TORAH teaches, as giving to Moses by God, there first MUST BE A RED HEIFER (holy cows) IN PEPERATION TO CLEAN AND PREPARE the priest, the furniture, and the place, and all the people before this third temple can stand and worship cam be administered. All the required priests and preparation are completed. All the world is waiting for is the Lord God to grant permission to move to the next phase of prophecy. It will happen, and when it does, the world will remember the church attempted to warn them and prepare them of the time coming that has never witness nor experienced.
WELL , BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THE TEMPLE IS READY TO BE BUILT! EVERYTHING IS READY TO GO, and the temple institute is waiting on President -elect Donald Trump " peace covenant/ Abraham Accords to be finalize and they can start building. Many prophetic teachers believe the "TEMPLE MOUNT" area will be ground zero for the next raging wars. THERE MUST BE THE HOLY COWS-RED HEIFERS to implement the the start of the fulfillment of this prophecy. ISRAEL CURRENTLY HAVE 4 RED HEIFERS/RED COWS IN WAITING FOR THE COMING PASSOVER-APRIL 22-30, 2025? to sacrifice their first animal in over 2000yrs! Tell me we are not living in prophetic times??! (2 Thess 2:3-4)... We are at the door, are you ready to meet the king Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
Isaiah the prophet, John the Apostle, and Daniel all saw the same thing- satan's RISE, his KINGDOM, his WAR, AND ultimately his FALL! Though their revelation was hundreds/thousands of years apart, GOD/Jesus reveal this truth to His servants/ prophets. WHY? Was it because it wasn't true? Was it because it was not needed? Or was it because God wanted to reveal His truth, to give mankind warnings, and tell us, " There's more to this life then what meets the natural eyes!" We are in a spiritual warfare for our souls. Our eternal destiny is hanging in the balance, we can live eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ the Son of God, or with satan/ lucifer in hell, in the lake of fire-for all eternity. the choice is ours. The scriptures/ Bible shall be fulfilled,, every word and every promise.
Everything we are witnessing is the world are the "beginning of Sorrows" as Jesus said in Matt 24. These are the signs of the coming tribulation, Jacob's Trouble/Israel, and the beast from the bottomless pit, satan, anti -christ, false prophet, and the demonic kingdom is rising-. we need to be ready...Jesus is coming again.
The Eternal Father God, and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is called King of kings and Lord of lords. The bible says, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the father. What we are experiencing are called the "birth pangs" as a woman beginning to give birth to a child. God is sounding the alarm, blowing the trumpet, giving us signs to wake us up; He is coming again. Repent and confess that Jesus is the Son of God and be saved from the wrath to come. Please read : John 3, Roman 10:9, Romans 5
These scriptures provides us with insight that there will be WAR AMONG THE NATIONS, blood shed, and conflicts led by an anti-god, false god like , empowered by satan-called the anti-christ, lawless one, and the beast in Rev 12-13. UKRAINE- RUSSIA, CHINA-TAIWAN, ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS, IRAN, ISLAMIC CONFEDERATION NATIONS, will all engage in the conflict of wars. There must be war, before there can be peace. God is going to allow this because, they will come against ISRAEL, but God will bear witness of His power by protecting and delivering ISRAEL. The HOOK in gog's mouth that brings him down against ISRAEL, is God's plan not mans.(Ezekiel 38-39). THIS IS WHERE WE SEEM TO BE ON PROPHETIC TIMELINE. The war in UKRAINE/Israel is just the beginning, God has to fulfil His word...There will be war, Pestilence, Famine, death, and great distress before the coming of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
"No man knows the day nor the hour when these things will happen, but Jesus said when you "see" these things, signs of wars and rumor of wars, apostasy in the churches, departing from the truth of Jesus Christ, hearts becoming cold, many calling evil good, and good evil, earthquakes, fires, failing of governments, divisions among families and societies, Jesus said, "When you "see" these things, know that my return is near, the rapture of His church will happen soon, be ready my friends...Jesus is coming...the last days is upon us! Are you born again? Have repented of your sins, and believed in your heart and confess with your mouth Jesus is the Son of God? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the Life; no man can come to the father or have everlasting life but through me". ISRAEL365 EXCLUSIVE: Red Heifers arrive in Israel [WATCH] (israel365news.com)
My friends, repent and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you shall be saved.... We are living in the last days. Be ready. Jesus said unto Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, unless a man is born again (saved), he cannot see the kingdom of God". (John 3:16/ Romans 10;9-10/ 1 Cor 15:1-4/ )
Prophetic Watchmen R.O.H
Plan of Salvation: John 3:16-18: Romans 10:9-10: 1 Cor 15:1-11
(864) Pastor Ricky Morris (864) 551-0786 or Pastor Mims (864) 525-3658
Adam & Eve's disobedience by eating the forbidden fruit caused sin to be inherited into all mankind. So, after sin was birthed by their disobedience, sin was passed down to all men, as well as death. (Romans 5:12) So by this disobedience, it birthed what God calls sin, which led us all to death, and ultimately leading many to judgment and condemnation of an eternal hell. In the court room of God, we are guilty and destined for a devil's hell. It's by the blood of His only son Jesus Christ atonement that, covers repentant sinners, that will satisfy God's righteous judgment for sin. Any man or woman who stands before God as a sinner, must be damn to a devil's Hell, separated from God for all eternality. This is why Jesus Christ salvation is so important to this lost and dying world. He died, but was resurrected three days later in victory. His victory over satan, sin, death, and the grave, provided us with the only opportunity to be saved from the wrath and penalty of sin. We all can have eternal life with God, we can all be saved by blood of Jesus Christ. All we have to do is repent, and believe the good news; Jesus, the Son of God, is able save us abundantly! Romans 5:19-21, John 3:16, Romans 6:23. Call on Jesus now, and thou shall be saved, "For with the heart man believes, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"
Abba father, The eternal God, loves us so much, He sent his only Son-Jesus Christ to save everyone. Jesus said " I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the father but by me". See the only way to be saved, is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus, sacrificed His life on the cross of a tree, His shed blood was placed on the mercy seat in heaven, so we can come before God and say we are sinners, we repented, and believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Jesus shed blood cries "mercy" upon us and for us. The blood of Christ covers the multitude of our sins,. There is no sin God can not forgive. Repent, turn from your sins, and believe in Jesus Christ, and you shall be save. Hebrews 9:12, Matt 27:27-44, Mark 15:16-32, Luke 23
Matt 24:32, " Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and put forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh (near). Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till these things be fulfilled". First we must understand Israel is identified as the "fig tree" in Joel 2:22, Luke 13:6-9. In 70 AD, Israel's temple and nation was destroy by Titus from Roman, and took the Jewish people into captivity.. From 70 AD till 1948, there was not "an nation" or "state" called Israel. Israel's people wonder throughout the world for over 2000 years without a nation. In 1948, according God's promised in Isaiah 66:8 ,Israel would be reborn, and Israel fulfilled his prophesy "a nation will be born in one day" in May 14,1948. The prophet Isaiah said, "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children". In 1948, God kept His promise, Israel was re- born in one day. Since 1948 till today, it's been 73 years, Israel has continued to blossom, grow, and be restored in her own country. God has blessed them and placed His name in Jerusalem forever, and they are called " the apple of His eye". All prophesy, from Dan 9:24-27, Psalms 83, Revelation, Joel, the prophets, and one-third of the entire bible is dealing with prophesy, the return of Jesus, His kingdom, and God's plan of salvation /restoration for mankind. But the truth of it all is that it all begun, centers, and ends in Israel-Jerusalem. Israel is God's time piece for all prophesy, end times truths, Jesus is coming again, Are you saved? Are you ready? Are you born again?.
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